2011 was a year of firsts for our quilt guild. In May while Corey was still here, we moved everything out of our storage shed, and moved them upstairs in the new Wellness Center. This will save us $350 a year, though it is requisite that we have agile knees hauling the stands up and down the stairs. We also bought 8 new quilt display stands for the show, and borrowed 20 stands from the State guild. (Transporting them back and forth was quite a trick!)
We displayed over 100 quilts on the 4th of July. Steve along with many of husbands helped us put up the stands, Saturday night. Sunday we hung the rest of the quilts, and Monday AM early did the final touches.
Everyone who came enjoyed the show. We had a wide variety of styles and patterns.
Some of the Quilts I displayed

I finally got my Purple Posies quilt finished which I had started Oct. 2010. I set it together without the black sashing first, and really didn't like it--too much purple! On the left is "Before", on the right is "after."
I took it all apart, added the black sashing, and then scatttered yo-yo flowers on it. I like how it turned out.
I also displayed CJ's Eagle Scout quilt which took 2nd place, the Aztec Warrior, Christmas tree skirt, Navajo steps, Hailey's quilt and some small Christmas projects.
The quilt guild provided this kit for us several years ago, but I never got it made, until our 1st Christmas in the mission field in 2007.
This Eagle Star Quilt was one of the favorites in the show. Probably the hardest quilt I've ever made. Thanks to Julie Hawkins and Shauna Hurst I finally finished it. Now CJ, just needs to finish his requirements!

Hailey's birthday quilt made from her old T-shirts. I used fusible stablizer with a grid which was set on point, so it was easier to do, than it appears. I also made one for Danny's birthday and gave it to him in May.
I have a real cute pix of Danny with the quilt wrapped around him, but I can't find it right now!