Chris and Pam Married August 19, 1993 Provo Temple
Reception in Blanding.
This was the first of my children's wedding quilts I've made. Kathy Hurst helped me strip cut and put together this rail fence quilt. I learned so much from her in the process. Learning how to use a rotary blade and strip cutting, opened up a whole new demension in sewing for me. We pieced this in about a day! I sewed and she pressed! What a team.
Rob and Kathryn March 26, 1994 Jordan River Temple
Kathy Hurst helped me with this quilt as well. It is still one of my favorites and it was quite a task picking out all the patterns and colors.
Nathan and Tammy May 29, 1998 Jordan River Temple

This is a spin off on a Navajo design I found, using pastels. I pieced and quilted it myself, with help from a lot of good friends.
Quentin and Bev July 9, 1998 Mt Timpanogas Temple

I provided fabric in blue tones and had a lady piece together a wedding ring quilt for Quent and Bev. I didn't think I could do it myself. But I quilted the entire quilt by hand "with a little help from my friends."
Even though I didn't piece this wedding ring quilt, I picked out the fabrics and hand quilted most of this myself. It was pieced by Eda Christensen, a relative of Auleen Peterson. She specializes in wedding ring quilts. Despite having 4th ward friends who helped some, it took me forever to quilt.
Autumn and Theron Dec. 16, 2000 Logan Temple
Guests signed their names to this Christmas theme quilt made for Autumn and Theron. I also made her a red and white tricot quit with the temple on it, with instructions, to not let Theron jump on it.
This was part of the sign made for display:
Tricot quilt made by Autumn’s Mother, Jane
with much appreciated help from these Blanding quilters:
Hattie Jones Ardell Ostergaar Ida Mae Hurst
Venice Lyman Diane Carroll Oaine Foy
Lucille Black Renee Pincock
oan Hosler
Ada Rigby Loretta Bradford

Red side of Tricot quilt.
Andrew and Amy married July 18, 2004 Salt Lake Temple
Amish Wedding Pinwheel Quilt

Passionate Purple for Amy and Andrew's wedding Quilt. I loved the colors in this quilt, though it did give me a few twists and turns as I put it together.
I love purple and had a good stash available. This was a new pattern, but was quite fun to do.
Anthony and Ashley March 8, 2003 Vernal Temple
I borrowed Gayle Shumway's pattern for the double Irish chain. It went together quickly. I had LaRue Barton do embroidery on some of the block centers and then appliquéd pine trees in others.
I also did a levi camp quilt and tried a braided pattern for the center with mixed results.
Janet and Steve married Dec. 22, 1967 Idaho Falls Temple
I embroidered blocks for this quilt over the course of 7 or 8 years, then finally finished them the year we got married. I pieced them together and then my good friend Barbara Anthony Groom, who was married and living in Provo, helped me quilt it. Actually Barbara did most of the work! I also had two other quilts in my trousseau I had made earlier, and mom had her Relief Society quilt them for me. One of them later burned in our house fire in 1990.